


TimeKeeper gallery

Main window and encoding of time slots

tkmainview3 t

Main work window.
The window for time slots editing is open in this example.
See at right upper side the todo list.

Time slots

tktimeslots2 t

See in red the lunch time and the contiguous slots being linked by a blue line.
At right hand side the duration of each time slot and beneath the total day duration.
Some ergonomic tricks allow to move to next or previous day, and the same with workers.

Load several people in one operation

tk3people t

You can load an illimited number of timesheets (MDI interface) and seperate windows.
The displayed colors are personnal, to make the encoding and analysis easier.

Load many people in the same grid

tkmanypeoplesameview t

At the bottom, you see sums by people for each day and on the right, you get the sums by people on the period..
Orange planning cells content hours made by several people.
This is the presentation used by a project leader for consulting and checking the timesheets of his team.

Project structure
tkarboprojectsgraphic t The project structure has tree levels : Group - Project -Task.  This structure is simple but allows to represent the majority of real projects.
A graph shows the time spent on the selected task (yellow bars).  The cumulated time spent is with the blue curve.  The budget line for this task appears in red.  In this example, there is a cost overun.  And you can double-click on the yellow bars, in order to get the detail...

tk todo t
There is a todo list, for one self or for the others.  If you set a "todo" for another person, this todo join his own todos and this person can give an answer.  Todos can be filed in specific themes for filtering purposes.  Other filters are available as the target people, the progress level...
In a word : this is a hyper-practical tool for every day use. 
Task ranking
 tk podium
This functionality classifies the most used tasks for a person over a period. You get in a blink the timetable of a person as well in term of the most followed tasks as HelpDesks points. This enables you to focus your attention on the important files. 
In the lower part one finds the monthly graph of the worked hours with the cumul value (blue curve) and the target (red curve).
Contact management

Set all the contacts of the company (organisation/administrations/companies and people) available to any user of TimeKeeper.  Link contacts together in order to ease the researchs.

Save any information for this contact (adresses, mail adress, phones, gsm, function, products, importance, comment, web site... up to you to build new kind of information to follow) 

All contacts can be either public or private.